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Lessons Learned – 2019 Colorado STEM Highlands School Shooting

November 28th, 2023|Categories: Active Shooter Response, Lessons Learned Webinars|

Introduction: In a world where safety and security are more crucial than ever, it's vital that we learn from past events to strengthen our preparedness for the future. Recognizing this need, Defender School has conducted an in-depth webinar, focusing on the 2019 STEM School Highlands Ranch shooting. This tragic event, which sadly resulted in the loss of a brave student, Kendrick Castillo, and the injury of several others, offers significant[...]

Analyzing the 2022 FBI Report on Active Shootings: Defender School’s Lessons Learned

August 31st, 2023|Categories: Active Shooter Response, Lessons Learned Webinars|

Introduction: The safety and well-being of our communities are of paramount importance in these challenging times. With the release of the 2022 FBI report on Active Shootings in the U.S., it's crucial for us to understand the findings, identify patterns, and work towards creating safer environments. In our latest webinar, part of the Defender School Lessons Learned series, we delve deep into this pivotal report. Webinar Highlights: Key[...]

Lessons Learned – Colorado YWAM and New Life Shootings Webinar

May 17th, 2023|Categories: Active Shooter Response, Lessons Learned Webinars|

 Introduction: In our recent webinar, we delved into the profound events of the Colorado YWAM and New Life shootings that took place in 2007.  Here's a brief summary of the key takeaways from this informative session. Key Takeaways: We analyzed the timeline and circumstances of the Colorado YWAM and New Life shootings, emphasizing the importance of preventive measures and early intervention. Lessons learned included the significance of effective communication, regular[...]

Lessons Learned – Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting

April 26th, 2023|Categories: Active Shooter Response, Lessons Learned Webinars|

Introduction: The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, remains etched in the collective memory as one of the most devastating tragedies in recent history. The incident sent shockwaves throughout the nation and served as a heartbreaking reminder of the vulnerabilities schools face. As the community and the country grieved the loss of innocent lives, a resolute determination emerged to prioritize the safety and well-being of students and educators.[...]

Lessons Learned – Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

January 25th, 2023|Categories: Active Shooter Response, Lessons Learned Webinars|

Introduction: In a tragic incident that shook the nation, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, became the site of a devastating school shooting. The event, marked by unimaginable loss and heartbreak, left the community in grief and prompted a renewed focus on school safety. As the community rallies together to heal and find ways to prevent future tragedies, there is a shared determination to prioritize the safety and[...]

Lessons Learned – Robb Elementary School Shooting (Uvalde, TX)

November 15th, 2022|Categories: Active Shooter Response, Lessons Learned Webinars|

Introduction: In a devastating incident, Robb Elementary School experienced a shooting that shook the community to its core. The incident serves as a somber reminder of the urgent need to prioritize the safety and well-being of students and staff in our educational institutions. As the community mourns and grapples with the aftermath, it is crucial that we come together to reflect, learn, and take proactive measures to prevent such tragedies[...]

New Law Could Make it Easier to Dial 911 During an Emergency

February 24th, 2020|Categories: Active Shooter Response|

Kari’s Law and RAY BAUMS Act: Getting to 911 Faster! In 2018 there were two laws signed into effect by President Donald Trump that vastly improve access to emergency services for all Americans. These two laws, Kari’s Law and Ray Baum’s Act, will also change the way schools and other public facilities are able to respond to active shooters and other potentially dangerous situations. Both bills were put[...]

Hero Highlight – Jack Wilson

January 1st, 2020|Categories: Active Shooter Response|

By now you have heard about the shooting that took place in a church on December 29th, 2019 in White Settlement, TX. A shooter (Name withheld) came into the Sunday morning worship service dressed wearing a trench coat while disguised with a wig and fake beard. The church security team members recognized the unordinary dress and behavior, and were in the process of positioning themselves when the[...]

Where Do Active Shootings Take Place?

November 26th, 2019|Categories: Active Shooter Response|

To answer this question, we first need to define what an active shooter is. The Department of Homeland Security defines an active shooter as “an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms(s) and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.1” Implicit in this definition is the shooter’s[...]

Mass Attacks in Public Spaces, a Study By The United States Secret Service

October 25th, 2019|Categories: Active Shooter Response|

In response to the acts of targeted violence occurring in this Nation, the U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) has published two reports on their research in to these incidents; Mass Attacks in Public Spaces 2017 and the same in 2018. The study was conducted for the specific purpose of identifying key information that will enhance efforts to prevent these types of attacks. The director had this[...]

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